For Intermediaries
This information has been prepared for use by professional advisers and intermediaries only. It is not intended for use by retail clients. Through working and enjoying close relationships with financial planners, lawyers, accountants and corporate financiers, we build and implement a structured investment plan for your clients.

Luna appreciates that such relationships are built upon trust and we therefore take time to get to know them, how they operate and how they would like Luna to service them and their clients. If they prefer, the Financial Planner will retain authority over the client portfolio and also have ongoing access to view their clients’ assets via the Luna Portal.
In addition to the bespoke investment solutions, Luna has also developed specific investment solutions for Financial Planners only.
Our Portfolio Management Services
Contact us to find out more information about how Luna can help with your investment management needs.
Luna Investment Management Limited (FRN: 923454) is an appointed representative of Thornbridge Investment Management LLP “Thornbridge” (FRN: 713859), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. All investment management decisions are undertaken by its investment committee. Luna staff sit as members of that committee. Further details, including all relevant regulatory disclosures can be found at
Head Office
The Old Schoolhouse
5-7 Byrom Street
M3 4PF
0161 518 3500
The value of your investments may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.
The Defaqto 5 Star Rating applies to both the Luna Model and Bespoke Portfolio Services only.
Luna Investment Management Limited (FRN: 923454) is an appointed representative of Thornbridge Investment Management LLP (FRN: 713859) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Luna Investment Management is registered in England. No 12280396