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All portfolios have consistently
delivered positive absolute returns

The Luna Active and Passive Model Portfolio Service (MPS) have now established a solid track record spanning three years, since their launch in June 2020.

The table below highlights that all portfolios have consistently delivered positive absolute returns since their inception. They have performed as expected since launch with higher levels of risk yielding higher returns. The Passive MPS have generally outperformed their Active MPS counterparts. This can be attributed to their lower charges and exposure to a greater number of Large Cap companies.

Furthermore, when compared to the average performance of their respective Investment Association (IA) sectors, the portfolios have demonstrated strong relative performance. Across all portfolios, they have consistently outperformed over the three-year period.

Several factors have contributed to this robust performance:

  • The lower risk portfolios have benefited from a lower allocation to fixed income and duration, accompanied by a higher allocation to alternative investments.
  • Within the equity portfolios carrying higher risk, there has been a deliberate inclination towards investing in the UK equity market. This strategic bias has played a role in bolstering their performance.

Overall, the Luna Active and Passive MPS have demonstrated a solid and consistent performance record, outperforming industry benchmarks and delivering positive returns across various risk levels.

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Luna Investment Management Limited (FRN: 923454) is an appointed representative of Thornbridge Investment Management LLP (FRN: 713859) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Luna Investment Management is registered in England. No 12280396